Poole's Cavern & Buxton Country Park

Exploring the Wonders of Peak District Caves

Among the many attractions of the Peak District are its caves, which offer visitors a unique opportunity to explore the underground world and discover the geological wonders hidden beneath the surface.

The Peak District is home to a vast network of caves, many of which were formed millions of years ago by the action of water on limestone and other sedimentary rocks. These caves are renowned for their stunning natural formations, including stalactites, stalagmites, flowstones, and underground rivers. The caves are also home to various species of bats and other wildlife adapted to the unique underground environment.


Poole’s Cavern & Buxton Country Park

Poole’s Cavern is open daily with tours throughout the day. All tours are with our guides on a 45-minute journey through the magnificent underground passages, rich in stalactite and stalagmite formations, legend and history.

Peak Cavern

Deep in the gorge below Peveril Castle is Peak Cavern’s imposing entrance chamber – the largest natural cave entrance in the British Isles

Treak Cliff Cavern

Treak Cliff Cavern in Castleton is famous throughout the world for its unique and large deposits of Blue John stone and houses some of the most beautiful cave formations found in the UK.

Speedwell Cavern

Set at the foot of the spectacular Winnats Pass, high above the village of Castleton, Speedwell Cavern takes you on an incredible underground boat journey.

The Heights of Abraham

Our two guided cavern tours run regularly throughout the day and are included in your admission. Our cavern guides are our very own in-house experts and they know each of our caves like the back of their hand, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask them! The caverns were formed over 350 million years ago and each hold their own fascinating story.

peak district caves

FREE Cave Exploring

The Peak District caves are a unique and fascinating attraction that offers visitors a glimpse into the hidden world beneath the surface. The caves are truly a wonder to behold, from the stunning limestone formations to the underground rivers and waterfalls. By following the safety guidelines and taking a guided tour, visitors can explore the caves safely and learn about their geological and historical significance. 

So, why not plan your visit to the Peak District today and discover the wonders of the underground wor

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